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The 2008 Interpol survey reports that 5,000 crime scene DNA profiles and 11,000 individuals' profiles were held in Slovenia at the time of the survey.
The 2008 Interpol survey reports that 5,000 crime scene DNA profiles and 11,000 individuals' profiles were held in Slovenia at the time of the survey. According to Interpol, Slovenia's DNA database contained 4,326 crime scene DNA profiles, plus 18,237 reference DNA profiles from individuals in 2011. No DNA database legislation had been adopted at that time.

Latest revision as of 17:26, 27 January 2016

The 2008 Interpol survey reports that 5,000 crime scene DNA profiles and 11,000 individuals' profiles were held in Slovenia at the time of the survey. According to Interpol, Slovenia's DNA database contained 4,326 crime scene DNA profiles, plus 18,237 reference DNA profiles from individuals in 2011. No DNA database legislation had been adopted at that time.


  • Press articles

Detailed analysis

Police Act (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia nr. 49/98, 93/2001, 79/2003, 50/04) -Articles 59 - 63.<ref name="ftn1"> E.U. 9445/1/06 at 8.


Police Act [Zakon o policiji]

IV. Collection, Protection and Security Of Data [Zbiranje, Varstvo in Zavarovanje Podatkov]

The police managed the collection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as records) by the performance of the collected, processed, stored, transmitted and used by police officers. With regard to the exercise of police powers Police keep and maintain the following records: . . . (8) DNA records of investigations. <ref name="ftn2"> Zakon o policiji (uradno prečiščeno besedilo) [Police Act (official consolidated text)] (ZPol-UPB7), Uradni list RS, št. 66/2009 z dne 21. 8. 2009 S. 9317, Art. 59 (hereinafter “ZPol-UPB7”)

</ref> Minister prescribes in detail the method of keeping police records.

In addition to common data containing individual records the following information: . . . (8) DNA records of investigations: the place, time and reason for taking a sample of DNA, the name of the person deprived of his sample and DNA profile of the samples taken<ref name="ftn3"> ZPol-UPB7 at Art. 61


Data are stored: Records from § 8 of Article 59 of this Act to stop a police investigation or the completion of actions to protect, or to issue a decision to reject an instance of the criminal, failing that, to the limitation of law enforcement<ref name="ftn4"> ZPol-UPB7 at Art. 63


After the deadlines specified in the preceding article, the data from police records are treated in accordance with the regulations governing the operations of public authorities with a permanent collection of documentary material and the handling of public archival material. Access to this information is granted only to the police and to those in other government authorities authorized only to investigate suspected criminal offense for which the perpetrator is prosecuted ex officio, or in other cases specified by law. <ref name="ftn5"> ZPol-UPB7 at Art. 64


Code of Criminal Procedure [Zakon o kazenskem postopku]

XVIII Investigative Actions [Preiskovalna Dejanja]

7. Expert Actions [7. Izvedenstvo]

Article 266<ref name="ftn6"> Zakon o kazenskem postopku (uradno prečiščeno besedilo) [Criminal Procedure Act (official consolidated text)] (ZKP-UPB3), Uradni list RS, št. 8/2006 z dne 26.1. 2006 S. 745, Art. 266 (Slovn.)


(1) Physical examination of a defendant shall also be made without its consent, if need be ascertain the facts relevant to criminal proceedings. Physical examination of other persons may be carried out without their consent only if they must determine whether it is in their body established trail or a result of crime.

(2) Collection of blood and other medical acts under the rules of medical science made the analysis and findings of other facts relevant to criminal proceedings may be made without the consent of the review, unless the resulting damage to his health.

(3) Not allowed to the defendant or witness to use medical interventions or to give them such funds, which would impact on their available in izpovedovanju. (as witnesses?—no clear translation)

Authority: Police as a body within the Ministry of the Interior, department: General Police Directorate - Forensic Science Laboratory.


The searches are concluded with fully or partly defined DNA profiles.
