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**[http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2015/10/09-data-protection/ European Council: Data protection for police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters: Council ready for talks with EP (9 October 2015)]
**[http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2015/10/09-data-protection/ European Council: Data protection for police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters: Council ready for talks with EP (9 October 2015)]
**[http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-5812_en.htm European Commission: EU Data protection reform on track: Commission proposal on new data protection rules in law enforcement area backed by Justice Ministers (9 October 2015)]
**[http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-5812_en.htm European Commission: EU Data protection reform on track: Commission proposal on new data protection rules in law enforcement area backed by Justice Ministers (9 October 2015)]
**[http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-12555-2015-INIT/en/pdf Council of the European Union: Proposal for a Directive on personal data for criminal offences. Interinstitutional File 2012/0010 (COD) (2 October 2015)]
**[http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-12555-2015-INIT/en/pdf Council of the European Union: Proposal for a Directive on the protection of personal data for use in criminal offence matters and free movement. Interinstitutional File 2012/0010 (COD) (2 October 2015)]
**[https://epic.org/2015/09/eu-and-us-reach-agreement-on-d.html EPIC: EU and US Reach Agreement on Data Protection for Investigations (9th September 2015)]
**[https://epic.org/2015/09/eu-and-us-reach-agreement-on-d.html EPIC: EU and US Reach Agreement on Data Protection for Investigations (9th September 2015)]
**[http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-15-5610_en.htm Statement by EU Commissioner Věra Jourová on the finalisation of the EU-US negotiations on the data protection "Umbrella Agreement" (8th September 2015)]
**[http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-15-5610_en.htm Statement by EU Commissioner Věra Jourová on the finalisation of the EU-US negotiations on the data protection "Umbrella Agreement" (8th September 2015)]

Revision as of 11:12, 14 October 2015

Details on DNA databases in each European country can be found on the country pages. Below are resources covering the whole of Europe, including information about the sharing of DNA database matches within the European Union (which is governed by the Pruem Decisions). The UK has opted out of the agreement. The landmark decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of S. and Marper v. the UK led to the removal of over 1.7 million DNA profiles taken from innocent people and from children and the destruction of 7,753,000 DNA samples in England and Wales.
