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*Press articles
*Press articles
**[http://www.conjur.com.br/2016-jun-17/stf-julgara-constitucionalidade-bancos-geneticos-condenados Consultor Jurídico: STF julgará a constitucionalidade dos bancos genéticos de condenados (17th June 2016)]
**[http://jota.uol.com.br/stf-vai-julgar-com-repercussao-geral-se-e-constitucional-banco-de-dados-geneticos-de-criminosos JOTA: STF vai julgar com repercussão geral se é constitucional banco de dados genéticos de criminosos (15th June 2016)]
**[http://g1.globo.com/rn/rio-grande-do-norte/noticia/2016/04/rn-tem-10-anos-para-implantar-laboratorio-criminal-de-dna-dia-tj.html Globo.com: RN tem 10 anos para implantar laboratório criminal de DNA, diz TJ (26th April 2016)]
**[http://g1.globo.com/rn/rio-grande-do-norte/noticia/2016/04/rn-tem-10-anos-para-implantar-laboratorio-criminal-de-dna-dia-tj.html Globo.com: RN tem 10 anos para implantar laboratório criminal de DNA, diz TJ (26th April 2016)]
**[http://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/noticia/2016/04/defensoria-publica-passa-coletar-material-genetico-para-dna-em-sp.html Globo.com: Defensoria Pública passa a coletar material genético para DNA em SP (20th April 2016)]
**[http://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/noticia/2016/04/defensoria-publica-passa-coletar-material-genetico-para-dna-em-sp.html Globo.com: Defensoria Pública passa a coletar material genético para DNA em SP (20th April 2016)]

Revision as of 18:55, 22 June 2016

Brazil has a DNA database for convicted sex offenders. New legislation to expand the database was adopted in May 2012.

According to the first annual report for the national DNA database (RIPBG), by November 2014, Brazil stored 1,524 DNA profiles from crime scenes, 53 from convicted persons, 26 from identified criminally and 1 from a judicial decision, making a total of 1,698 DNA profiles on the national databank. A year later, a total of 3,621 samples had been collected across the country (2,647 from crime scenes, 753 from convicted persons, 62 from identified criminals and 4 from a judicial decision).
